Monday, January 12, 2009

This week here on paisley ridge we have had a variety of weather; Three inches of rain, a dusting of snow, heavy wind and some beautiful sunshine. Lane has been busy ordering seed for spring planting. This year lane is gonna try some new things like Jerusalem artichoke. In the catalog they sounded interesting and they were recommended to lane by a friend and by me. She heard they taste like water chestnuts, are crunchy and are good for you so that sold lane. Now we’ll have to see how they do here and how lane likes them cause she’s skeptical till she sees for herself. Lane found some cornfield beans in a new catalog the other day that she has been looking for for some time so when she saw them she immediately ordered some. They were called pink tip cornfield beans. Lane’s daddy used to grow them she says and remembers them being delicious. She has also ordered a few more types of heirloom tomatoes and can’t wait to get them planted.

She found a new/old type called giant ox heart. The description sounds like the old heirloom tomato that has been passed around for years in the area and no one seems to know what kind it is. She thinks they may be the same as the one known here as the alice hodge tomato. She will let you know if they are the same one in case you are familiar with one or the other.

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