Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gardening is lane’s passion. She loves gardening as much as anything she does except for helping others. She has so many things she wants to plant every season but with limited space she has to be careful about what she plants and how she plants it.

She really likes green beans. All kinds of beans and you probably know that there are many. Some climb. Some bush. Lane likes pole beans the best so to be able to plant more climbers or pole beans with the space available she decided to build a trellis out of bamboo and wire. As a matter of fact she says, she liked the first trellis she built so much that she built two more. On these trellis’s she plans on growing pole beans, wax beans, and cucumbers. The wax beans are an old heirloom bean that a friend gave her the seed of many years ago. Lane says she was told they were her mothers beans and this lady is in her eighties so lane suspects the beans are a hundred years old or more. They sure are delicious lane says. I don’t like southern style, cooked forever, beans. Lane won’t have them any other way.

Here is how lane built her trellis if you wish to try one for yourself. First you need to find the bamboo but if you can’t find bamboo small wood poles would do or even fencing stakes. Here’s what you need; six eight foot by two inch bamboo, eighty inches of wire long by twenty wide or you can choose your own dimensions. Chicken wire is what lane built these from. You will need string or wire to attach the wire to the poles. Lane used tomato ties. Here’s how lane made the trellis; dig four holes two foot deep and she used post hole diggers; Two foot apart on the corners and four foot wide. Put poles in the hole and fill around them with the dirt you removed from the hole. Pack the dirt around them. Attach the wire starting at one bottom almost touching the ground. Bring the wire up the post securing as you go. Then drop the wire over the top creating an arch and secure the other side.

In the center of the arch place two poles for support and now its time to plant. You can plant flowers, cucumbers, beans, or anything that likes to climb. Good luck and good gardening.

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