Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This has been a stay in the house, read garden books, dream about working in the soil and watching it rain kinda week. In the last week we’ve had over five inches of rain. The road to our house is a sloppy mess but the sun actually came out for a while today; Long enough for me to plant both mustard and kale. I planted turnips about three weeks ago and there are doing ok. The collards are coming along too. We’re gonna try our luck with cold frames when craig gets a chance to build them. The rainy weather has slowed everything down but the grass and weeds. Our yard is starting to look like a hayfield but it’s still not too late to plant fast growing plants such as radishes, onions, lettuce and cabbage. Continue to plant all kinds of perennials such as English daisies, carnations, chrysanthemums, coreopsis, and delphiniums, fox gloves, forget me nots, sweet Williams, wildflowers, violas, and pansies. You can make early plantings of white narcissus, crocus, jonquils, daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips. Now is also a good time to resow your lawn, plant evergreens, but be sure to give them plenty of water, yes water, and mulch them. Now is also a good time to plant roses. Today is the first day of fall after all so get out there and get started and hope that the rain is over for a while.

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