Thursday, November 12, 2009

The garden chores are all finished and the clean up all done. We have put the garden to sleep, all settled down for a long winters nap. Craig and our friend jack went down to leather wood which is a riding facility. Using jack’s tractor, his truck and trailer brought home two large loads of composted horse manure to give the garden its finishing touch for the long winter’s rest that it deserves.

The garden has produced very well for us this year so to say thank you we gave it the composted manure to replenish the soil with some of the nutrients it used up to grow so many yummy vegetables. So now the garden can rest and so can I, well maybe. So why don’t you do something nice for your garden and come next season it will do something nice for you. So get up off of that couch, go find a horse or cattle farm and collect compost for your garden and to help you get motivated think; fresh tomatoes, red, ripe juicy tomatoes, delicious yellow sweet corn, yummy green beans. Do I need to say more? Happy composting.

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