Wednesday, October 8, 2008

As you know, ray charles could plainly see, the rough outline of the intended greenhouse is now defined. Next stop is sheeting for the roof and “tar paper”. I stumbled upon a great deal in metal roofing for more than half price only an hour away in Tennessee.

Living in the woods its always lurking somewhere in the hidden recesses of your imagination that a fire could travel thru. No reason to give it asphalt shingles to get a hold on should that be the case.

No glass will be installed until the roof is done so in consideration of the possibility of some thing heavy being dropped, there will be no glass in its path.


  1. Very nice greenhouse and sweet bloggin'.

  2. Hi Craig and Lane,
    Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your blog. It is so informative and fun, and I have learned alot!!!
