Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lane says its time to start thinking about all of those early crops that need to be planted this month. She says she knows it’s been some time since her last blog and she is sorry but when she has nothing to say, she has nothing to say. Now that gardening season is upon us she has more to say. Here are some of the things she plants early; potatoes, peas, onions, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, carrots, beats and spinach or any thing else she likes in the cabbage family. As soon as the soil is dry enough to work lane begins her garden planting and yours should too. Lane says her daddy taught her about planting these things early many years ago and he has never steered her wrong. Even though he’s been dead a long time his advice will never die. He really knew what he was doing. He and lane’s grandmother always used the almanac to know what sign of the moon to plant by and so does lane.

Here are the dates in March you will need to use to plant these early veggies for this area of the mountains of North Carolina.

For above ground crops the second thru the sixth and the twenty ninth and the thirtieth.

For root crops the thirteenth thru the seventeenth, the twenty first thru the twenty fifth.

For seed beds the sixth and the seventh, sixteenth and seventeenth.

To transplant the first thru the third, the twenty sixth thru the thirty first.

To plant flowers the sixth and the seventh, the thirteenth thru the fifteenth.

Lane says if you follow these moon signs that you will see a difference in your success rate now and later when its time to harvest. Remember you don’t have to have a big space to garden as a small space will do. You can even grow lots of plants in containers and we will speak of that next time.

1 comment:

  1. I missed the boat on planting early season flowers and veggies(I procrastinated again,darn it). It's been a rough winter here in Alabama and now it's already time to get started on summer crops. It's been warm this week so I've got spring fever. It'll be cold again for the rest of the week so I'll have a chance to get my seeds and containers together and finally get back to gardening.Time marches on.
