Sunday, May 17, 2009

We have had some rain here for the biggest part of the week. Good for the crops. Lane finally got most of her veggies in the ground but still has musk melon and hot pepper to plant. She found some Tabasco pepper plants Friday at of all places, wally world and they even had sweet potato plants. Who would have thought it?

They were expensive; nine plants for three dollars but lane bought two packs or eighteen plants. Lane says she has never tried to grow sweet potatoes at this altitude and doesn’t know if they will make potatoes or not. We will just have to wait and see.

Lane is trying a new type of butternut squash called butter bush. It’s supposed to grow large fruits without the vines. Both lane and I look forward to the harvest of these yummy gourds. Lane has a wonderful recipe for butternut squash lasagna. A friend gave lane this recipe several years ago. The lasagna was her first encounter with butternut squash and it was love at first bite. Let lane know if you want the recipe as she will be glad to share it with you.


  1. YOu should post that butternut lasagna, I love squash of any kind, so that sounds really tasty!

  2. What's the latest on the tomato plants? Are you going to post how you make your canned marinara sauce?

  3. How about an update on the winter vegetables?
