Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Craig/I, her stenographer, finally finished the root cellar/greenhouse. They are wonderful. Since lane had never had either she is very excited about using both of them. She has worked in a greenhouse for the last few years so she kinda knows what to do with the greenhouse and growing up in rural north Carolina as she did, her father always had a tater hole or a large hole dug in the ground. He would put the potatoes in the hole and put layers of hay between the layers of potatoes. Then he would lay boards over the top of the hole and put more hay on top of the boards for insulation. Best as lane can remember this worked pretty good. So remembering what she has learned by watching her father those many years ago she is using the same principle to protect the potatoes from freezing by laying straw in a bin between many layers of potatoes; So far, so good. She has a variety of vegetables in the cellar; sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, onions, pumpkins, butternut squash and some of her canned goods. This year will be an experiment to see how foods last down there. Meanwhile up in the greenhouse she is successfully growing lettuce, basil and strawberries as well as a large number of flowering plants. She plans on adding more plants as she goes along but right now she is just testing the water to see how it all turns out. So far everything is doing well but it hasn’t turned cold and stayed so just yet. Will see what happens then.

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