Saturday, November 15, 2008

Here we are in the middle of November and before you know it there will be snow on the ground. Up here in the high country we have already had a dusting of snow and the weather forecast is calling for a chance of snow today. Before it snows you need to get those bulbs in the ground so you will have beautiful flowers next spring. Some of the bulbs you need to plant now are; daffodils or easter lilies as lane’s granny called them, tulips, crocus’s and hyacinths even iris and day lilies. It’s also a good time to plant small trees and shrubs. We need to get them in the ground as soon as we can before the ground freezes. Now is also the time to dig up some of the summer flowering plants such as dahlias, elephant ears and the beautiful angel trumpets.

If not dug up they will more than likely, freeze. Here on our mountain lane doesn’t dig the dahlias or elephant ears. She just mulches them heavily with pine needles or straw. The spot where we live doesn’t get as cold as it does higher up.

Lane’s grandmother never dug hers and they always came back so lane always follows her example. But if you really are in a cold climate you do need to dig these plants. Put them in a basement or root cellar in saw dust; it works great.

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